Sunday, May 24, 2015

Life is better in the swimming hole! We have one right in our backyard and it has been an oasis for us for 20 years, our little piece of coolness and tranquility. We have made lots of memories with our family and friends floating and splashing around, it is our private little paradise to stay cool and to relax. I love turning up some cool music and floating around watching the sky, the clouds, birds and airplanes crossing the blue sky. I can walk around in my swimsuit and not worry about what I look like and just be myself. It isn't a big or fancy pool but it is just right for us. I wouldn't trade anything for the memories we have made with our girls and their friends and our family all those long hot summers. It doesn't take much to enjoy quality time in our own back yard and enjoy our kids and grandkids splashing and playing and staying cool.

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